hello to all those who have been eagerly waiting another update...... It may have seemed like my game of golf was a bad idea but infact i have been living my life the way any 23year should!!!!
things that i have done since the last update:
bought a new car - a mini cabriolet, but currently unable to drive it, will explain more later in the post.
played a stupid amount of golf (bored the hell out of jess)
been to hospital several times (understatement of the century)
oh yeah been to boardmasters surf and music festival and stayed in the headland hotel!!! (thanks mum)
right the reason why i cant drive the car is about a month ago i decided to be really ill..... as i couldnt keep anything down it was either coming out the top or like a tap from the bottom!!! lets just say it was not fun, this then peaked with me having two seizures! not fun i might add (jess somehow slept through the first one and found me on the floor) and then on the way to hospital (favourite place) i had another in the back of the ambulance, my last words before fitting were FUCK FUCK FUCK, then i woke up in resus minus my boxers and thourghly confused!!!! so at the hospital was told my blood was acidic, not nice and this had contributed to me feeling like shit for the couple of weeks prior to the fits, i was even ill at my cousin Jen's wedding the one day when i didnt wanna feel like crap but oh well, so in the end Dr Iggo decided it would be best for me to stop driving for a month, this ban ends on friday (19/8)
other news, i have been put through to the second round of the chance to carry the olympic flame, i've got a one in 14 chance, wish me luck. it would be a dream come true to carry the flame.
And finally whilst on holiday at boardmasters i decided it would be a suitable time to ask my lovely girlfriend Jess to marry me........ and she said YES.
well gotta jump on my machine now, its time for nine hours dialysis.
Peace love, and fairy cakes
The One in a Million Man x (actually now two million)
well they do make exceedingly good cakes
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
time for a new post!!!!
well long time no update!!!!
sorry its been so long since the last update, things to do, operations to heal, but the good news is im now all on the mend, the pd cath is fitted and has no pretty much completely healed up, infact so much so that im off to play golf today!!!! so 15days after going under the knife and being knocked out im going to play golf!!!! So many people have been saying are you sure you should be doing this and the other day i was like..... well i dunno, trail and error thats how i live at the moment (remember the guiness!!!) haha.
Also gonna try my hand at tidying soon i think as i need to be clean otherwise pd aint gonna work!!! and im gonna be ill, well iller then i already am. To be honest im now getting pretty fucking bored of not being at work, i've been off now for 3months and 2days!!!! and really am looking forward to going back even if it is only one day a week!!
Well must head of to the golf course!!!!!
The One in a Million Man
sorry its been so long since the last update, things to do, operations to heal, but the good news is im now all on the mend, the pd cath is fitted and has no pretty much completely healed up, infact so much so that im off to play golf today!!!! so 15days after going under the knife and being knocked out im going to play golf!!!! So many people have been saying are you sure you should be doing this and the other day i was like..... well i dunno, trail and error thats how i live at the moment (remember the guiness!!!) haha.
Also gonna try my hand at tidying soon i think as i need to be clean otherwise pd aint gonna work!!! and im gonna be ill, well iller then i already am. To be honest im now getting pretty fucking bored of not being at work, i've been off now for 3months and 2days!!!! and really am looking forward to going back even if it is only one day a week!!
Well must head of to the golf course!!!!!
The One in a Million Man
Sunday, April 3, 2011
well update again!!!
i am currently home now, recovering after my op, and my tummy hurts rather a lot..... but the good news is i am not in hospital atm, was only in the one day....
Was the wierdest thing being put under for the anesthetic the last thing i rememeber is "you'll be feeli...." and then "pete.... pete.... wake up" as i was coming round in recovery, also my love of cannula's was shown again as even though i was unconsiuous i was still able to rip it out of my hand!! haha, oh well, i'm looking forward to finally getting this pd shit on the road and getting myself already for my transplant and hopefully a larger fluid restriction.
on a lighter note Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers who are reading
The One in a Million Man x
i am currently home now, recovering after my op, and my tummy hurts rather a lot..... but the good news is i am not in hospital atm, was only in the one day....
Was the wierdest thing being put under for the anesthetic the last thing i rememeber is "you'll be feeli...." and then "pete.... pete.... wake up" as i was coming round in recovery, also my love of cannula's was shown again as even though i was unconsiuous i was still able to rip it out of my hand!! haha, oh well, i'm looking forward to finally getting this pd shit on the road and getting myself already for my transplant and hopefully a larger fluid restriction.
on a lighter note Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers who are reading
The One in a Million Man x
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
time for an OP!!
well as some of you may already know this April fool's day is a big day for me, i am having my operation!!! thats right im finally getting "Alan" fitted, and this "Alan" is in fact a tube for me to do dialysis through, he is going to live in my peritonium?!?! (spelling) basically in and around my tummy area..... and hopefully this little device will mean that i can have a little bit more to drink than the measly 1litre that im on at the moment, and i hate that!!!
Well time for a weight update, slightly strange thing to say but i have been losing weight rather a lot recently due to me being slightly better with the fluid allowance, im now down to around 88kg, target weight is 87!!! when i went in to hospital i think i was roughly 100kg, that means i must have been carrying around 12kg extra weight in fluid....... and that is a lot!!!!
Well must dash
The One in a Million Man x
Well time for a weight update, slightly strange thing to say but i have been losing weight rather a lot recently due to me being slightly better with the fluid allowance, im now down to around 88kg, target weight is 87!!! when i went in to hospital i think i was roughly 100kg, that means i must have been carrying around 12kg extra weight in fluid....... and that is a lot!!!!
Well must dash
The One in a Million Man x
Friday, March 25, 2011
exit and re-entry!!
well sorry its been such a while been pretty busy!!!!
well i can safely say that i am out again, i left the first time on the monday after i went in, so only a short stay!!! but that was a pain in its self, i missed uncle roddy's funeral so i was fairly pissed off about that.... well lets see whats been going on, the cough is now clearing up and the blood is few and far between and is now nice and dark!!! haha. so that was that eventful weekend, i do feel sorry for everyone i kinda cocked things up a bit as the funeral was sort of arranged around me being able to go!!! oooops, well like i say i dont go into hospital for normal things, i like to do it in style!!!!
Right fast forward a few days St Patrick's day!!! great guiness yum, so i think to myself right lets save my allowance and have a pint of the black stuff and thats what i did, and fuck me was it good........ little did i know that two days later this heavenly pint of the black stuff would cause me to have a potassium spike and put me back into hospital overnight!!!! sorry jess... we ended up in an ambulance at 4am going from eastbourne to brighton because of a single fucking pint!!!! not bad ehh! like i say i do it with style, the worst thing is poor jess had to sleep on a hospital chair oh and amusingly thats the longest she's ever spent in hospital, and she wasnt even being treated!!!!!
muchos love
The One in a Million Man
well i can safely say that i am out again, i left the first time on the monday after i went in, so only a short stay!!! but that was a pain in its self, i missed uncle roddy's funeral so i was fairly pissed off about that.... well lets see whats been going on, the cough is now clearing up and the blood is few and far between and is now nice and dark!!! haha. so that was that eventful weekend, i do feel sorry for everyone i kinda cocked things up a bit as the funeral was sort of arranged around me being able to go!!! oooops, well like i say i dont go into hospital for normal things, i like to do it in style!!!!
Right fast forward a few days St Patrick's day!!! great guiness yum, so i think to myself right lets save my allowance and have a pint of the black stuff and thats what i did, and fuck me was it good........ little did i know that two days later this heavenly pint of the black stuff would cause me to have a potassium spike and put me back into hospital overnight!!!! sorry jess... we ended up in an ambulance at 4am going from eastbourne to brighton because of a single fucking pint!!!! not bad ehh! like i say i do it with style, the worst thing is poor jess had to sleep on a hospital chair oh and amusingly thats the longest she's ever spent in hospital, and she wasnt even being treated!!!!!
muchos love
The One in a Million Man
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Re-Admittance....... Shit
well hello to all...
to those how dont know i have managed to get myself re-admitted into the hospital, and its mainly my fault.....
i decided to overload myself with fluid and possibly pick up a chest infection which in turn has led to a Pulmonary Haemorrhage, marvellous lol... well you see i do have to do things in style its seems like i cant just go into hospital like a normal person i either have to be d.o.a (nearly) or coughing up copious amounts of blood.
well lets start at the beginning, March... 11th i wake up at 2.30am coughing, hard. i toss and i turn but then i felt the blood rise in my throat, i had to cough it up, i did and fucking hell its like strawberry jam, im thinking to myself "uh oh thats not good, thats either a haemorrhage or an edema," neither are particularly nice. after a few hours i thought to myself i cant sleep at all so i got mum, (3.30am) by 6.30am i had decided to admit myself to hospital, and boy what a day to do it on, i managed to miss Uncle Roddy's funeral, (Rest In Peace) and also the horrific earthquake and tsunami in Japan. well im tired as its still before 7am!!! on a damned sunday and im already awake and writting to you all.
how is everyone doing on the challenge and finally anyone without a google account can again contact me on email, its madmanpete@yahoo.co.uk
Much Love to all
The One in a Million Man
to those how dont know i have managed to get myself re-admitted into the hospital, and its mainly my fault.....
i decided to overload myself with fluid and possibly pick up a chest infection which in turn has led to a Pulmonary Haemorrhage, marvellous lol... well you see i do have to do things in style its seems like i cant just go into hospital like a normal person i either have to be d.o.a (nearly) or coughing up copious amounts of blood.
well lets start at the beginning, March... 11th i wake up at 2.30am coughing, hard. i toss and i turn but then i felt the blood rise in my throat, i had to cough it up, i did and fucking hell its like strawberry jam, im thinking to myself "uh oh thats not good, thats either a haemorrhage or an edema," neither are particularly nice. after a few hours i thought to myself i cant sleep at all so i got mum, (3.30am) by 6.30am i had decided to admit myself to hospital, and boy what a day to do it on, i managed to miss Uncle Roddy's funeral, (Rest In Peace) and also the horrific earthquake and tsunami in Japan. well im tired as its still before 7am!!! on a damned sunday and im already awake and writting to you all.
how is everyone doing on the challenge and finally anyone without a google account can again contact me on email, its madmanpete@yahoo.co.uk
Much Love to all
The One in a Million Man
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Pancake day Dialysis!!
Good day to those who are following!!!! Happy shrove tuesday :).
well back in hospital again!!! but this time not quite so overloaded!! only 4l i think, but we're getting it down slowly. Unfortunately i have found out one annoying thing, the more overloaded i am the more blood i cough, and that is pretty harsh!! so i gotta work hard on the fluid allowance,
Oh yeah with the allowance challenge im being generous on you guys, as i don't even get the luxury of a litre i have to make do with 750ml, according to mum "thats 3 cups of tea" and it roughly is, cup size obviously plays a part.
well once we're done today i think i might attempt to make some pancakes, english and american style! i love pancakes, and then after that i think a nap is in order.
Nice to see more people are following, keep it up
and remember the challenge encompasses all fluid - thats food aswell!!!!
The One in a Million Man
well back in hospital again!!! but this time not quite so overloaded!! only 4l i think, but we're getting it down slowly. Unfortunately i have found out one annoying thing, the more overloaded i am the more blood i cough, and that is pretty harsh!! so i gotta work hard on the fluid allowance,
Oh yeah with the allowance challenge im being generous on you guys, as i don't even get the luxury of a litre i have to make do with 750ml, according to mum "thats 3 cups of tea" and it roughly is, cup size obviously plays a part.
well once we're done today i think i might attempt to make some pancakes, english and american style! i love pancakes, and then after that i think a nap is in order.
Nice to see more people are following, keep it up
and remember the challenge encompasses all fluid - thats food aswell!!!!
The One in a Million Man
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Fluid Allowance Challenge :)
right hello lovely people!!!!!
I would like to lay down a challenge, to all those who think they can do it i invite you to try and survive anything from 24hrs to the full 7days on exactly the same amount of fluid as i am allowed to have in a day........
The amount is upto 1Litre...
it encompase all fluids....
that includes fluid in food i.e. gravy, ice cream, jelly etc....
other than that enjoy the pain.......
It is fucking hard but the person who can stay with me the longest in this challenge will win a paid night out with me once i have had my transplant or am in a state where i can enjoy an evening out to an acceptable level........
On a lighter note i found out this morning that the machine wanted to take over 6L of fluid off me, no wonder i've been feeling a bit dodgy, thats a lot for all those who dont know!!!!!
Oh yeah on thursday i was told that i can get the tattoo i've been planning to remember this illness by done whilst on dialysis, GOOD TIMES :) sorry mum and dad haha..........
The One in a Million Man
I would like to lay down a challenge, to all those who think they can do it i invite you to try and survive anything from 24hrs to the full 7days on exactly the same amount of fluid as i am allowed to have in a day........
The amount is upto 1Litre...
it encompase all fluids....
that includes fluid in food i.e. gravy, ice cream, jelly etc....
other than that enjoy the pain.......
It is fucking hard but the person who can stay with me the longest in this challenge will win a paid night out with me once i have had my transplant or am in a state where i can enjoy an evening out to an acceptable level........
On a lighter note i found out this morning that the machine wanted to take over 6L of fluid off me, no wonder i've been feeling a bit dodgy, thats a lot for all those who dont know!!!!!
Oh yeah on thursday i was told that i can get the tattoo i've been planning to remember this illness by done whilst on dialysis, GOOD TIMES :) sorry mum and dad haha..........
The One in a Million Man
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Pill Time!!! The pills I take daily
Cyclophosamide - For GBM
Prednisolone - Steriod - To suppress immune system
Lansoprazole - protects stomach
Nystatin - Prevents fungal infection
Alendronic Acid - For Bones
Calichew - Phosphate binder
Doxazosin - blood pressure
Metoprolol - blood pressure
Co-Trimaxazole - prevents infection
Alfacalcidol - Vitamin D supplement
Folic acid - Vitamin supplement
Ketovite - Vitamin supplement
That is all the pills i take every day!!!!
The One in a Million Man
Prednisolone - Steriod - To suppress immune system
Lansoprazole - protects stomach
Nystatin - Prevents fungal infection
Alendronic Acid - For Bones
Calichew - Phosphate binder
Doxazosin - blood pressure
Metoprolol - blood pressure
Co-Trimaxazole - prevents infection
Alfacalcidol - Vitamin D supplement
Folic acid - Vitamin supplement
Ketovite - Vitamin supplement
That is all the pills i take every day!!!!
The One in a Million Man
Monday, February 28, 2011
End of the Month!
well its now the end of Feb!!! and i have been released from hospital, well a couple of days ago anyways. Its been pretty good to be out except the fact that i have to be back every other day for dialysis!!! grrrr. I want my PD cath fitted as quick as possible.
Well like i was talking about the other day jess and i attempted the roast dinner............ GREAT SUCCESS!!!! I like very much :) it went down a storm and jess made special oil, garlic, lemon, and other secret ingredients. Jess' parents came round and we gorged on chicken and tatties and veg. so all in all a damn good sunday, apart from the fact that by the end of the day i was absolutely exhausted!!! and still am fairly tired now..
Well its the beginning of the first full week out of the hospital and im hoping to get as much done as possible, i got at least three things to do!!! This is gonna be a tough year but lets crack on with it.
by the way this is the first post from home, its so good to be home, i cannot believe i spent 27days in hospital.
The One in a Million Man
Well like i was talking about the other day jess and i attempted the roast dinner............ GREAT SUCCESS!!!! I like very much :) it went down a storm and jess made special oil, garlic, lemon, and other secret ingredients. Jess' parents came round and we gorged on chicken and tatties and veg. so all in all a damn good sunday, apart from the fact that by the end of the day i was absolutely exhausted!!! and still am fairly tired now..
Well its the beginning of the first full week out of the hospital and im hoping to get as much done as possible, i got at least three things to do!!! This is gonna be a tough year but lets crack on with it.
by the way this is the first post from home, its so good to be home, i cannot believe i spent 27days in hospital.
The One in a Million Man
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Re-entry(2)...........Bollocks.... not too bad
sorry its a bit later than normal the update, i found out today that a fair few people are interesed in this awful tat that im putting on the internet.....
special message for John (syfret) Hows the weather with you and i hope no-ones trying to topple your government/king/dictator... delete as applicable :)...
well back to the situation i've got 55mins left hooked up then its off home, a lots happened this week, we've had break outs and re-entry's and one escape but its looking up for me, i should within the next month (hopefully) have my PD catheter fitted and then i can dialyse at home!!!! im thinking maybe a little gathering is in order as jess and i never had a house-warming..... which is not a good thing as it means technically the house is still cold..... even though the heating does work, well once i can figure it out.... oooops going off the subject again!!!
Exciting times tomorrow has Jess and i are going to attempt the Sunday Roast, and we're going straight in at the deep end, her parents are coming round!!! Shit, better not under cook the tatties, or get the seasoning wrong, but the thing is we're both proper excited about doing it, well whatever happens its gonna be a great day.
ps. those who dont have a google account can email me on madmanpete@yahoo.co.uk
The One in a Million Man
special message for John (syfret) Hows the weather with you and i hope no-ones trying to topple your government/king/dictator... delete as applicable :)...
well back to the situation i've got 55mins left hooked up then its off home, a lots happened this week, we've had break outs and re-entry's and one escape but its looking up for me, i should within the next month (hopefully) have my PD catheter fitted and then i can dialyse at home!!!! im thinking maybe a little gathering is in order as jess and i never had a house-warming..... which is not a good thing as it means technically the house is still cold..... even though the heating does work, well once i can figure it out.... oooops going off the subject again!!!
Exciting times tomorrow has Jess and i are going to attempt the Sunday Roast, and we're going straight in at the deep end, her parents are coming round!!! Shit, better not under cook the tatties, or get the seasoning wrong, but the thing is we're both proper excited about doing it, well whatever happens its gonna be a great day.
ps. those who dont have a google account can email me on madmanpete@yahoo.co.uk
The One in a Million Man
Friday, February 25, 2011
well its 09.21 friday morning and guess where i am.... back in the damn hospital but its ok, im only in for my thrice weekly dialysis sessions, well i say thrice this week im being done four times!! and i only got 3hrs7mins left today, dunno how long im gonna be on for tomorrow. Well like i say it could be worse, the doctors told me the other day that the levels that i came in with well.......... i was very much more alive than i should have been, haha!!!
The flat is incredible and pretty much finished to an acceptable standard, and Jess has done a great job..... On a lighter note, if you know anyone Blood type O negative and with a spare Kidney, i would appreciate if i could have it!!!!!! Unfortunatley mum and dad are the wrong blood type A+ for those who want to know, and that is also rather amusing as both went to Cambridge so must have got a few A+'s along the way, lol.
Anyways Jimi Hendrix calls so i will love and leave all
Peace, Love and Chocolate Eggs!
The One in a Million Man
The flat is incredible and pretty much finished to an acceptable standard, and Jess has done a great job..... On a lighter note, if you know anyone Blood type O negative and with a spare Kidney, i would appreciate if i could have it!!!!!! Unfortunatley mum and dad are the wrong blood type A+ for those who want to know, and that is also rather amusing as both went to Cambridge so must have got a few A+'s along the way, lol.
Anyways Jimi Hendrix calls so i will love and leave all
Peace, Love and Chocolate Eggs!
The One in a Million Man
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
where to begin!!!!
well hello to all those who are reading this constant drivel!!!!
it is now the 23/02/11 and i have been in hospital one day shy of 4weeks, and guess what they finally say that i can leave this place..... WHOOP WHOOP!!! i get to be in the flat with the Bubba (thats jess) and of course no longer under 24/7 scrutiny, and no more fucking blood tests.... "morning, can i have some of your blood please!!" that is no way to be woken up, in fact its quite unsettling and can raise blood pressure haha.
i have had a few problems with blood pressure, its been up and down like a yo-yo!!! These doctors are meant to help you, they were giving a tablet that was causing my liver to function abnormally, for those who are interested please dont give me AMLODIPINE as i am allergic to it amusingly.....
well today is going well, already on dialysis and should be home later on tonight...... smashing the beatles just came on the laptop (Fixing a Hole. TUNE) well i do enjoy the classics.
Peace, love and Frazzles
The One in a Million Man
it is now the 23/02/11 and i have been in hospital one day shy of 4weeks, and guess what they finally say that i can leave this place..... WHOOP WHOOP!!! i get to be in the flat with the Bubba (thats jess) and of course no longer under 24/7 scrutiny, and no more fucking blood tests.... "morning, can i have some of your blood please!!" that is no way to be woken up, in fact its quite unsettling and can raise blood pressure haha.
i have had a few problems with blood pressure, its been up and down like a yo-yo!!! These doctors are meant to help you, they were giving a tablet that was causing my liver to function abnormally, for those who are interested please dont give me AMLODIPINE as i am allergic to it amusingly.....
well today is going well, already on dialysis and should be home later on tonight...... smashing the beatles just came on the laptop (Fixing a Hole. TUNE) well i do enjoy the classics.
Peace, love and Frazzles
The One in a Million Man
Friday, February 18, 2011
Break Outs2 and 3
well the 17th feburary turned into a bit of an escape from hospital!!!!!
the morning breakout took place at about 11.30 after much deliberation and calcium (low calcium levels meant had to have 4 huge tablets) then down to the pier for a battered sausage and 5 donuts :) yummy. Then it was a random drive to hove........ i had to then return to the hospital as i did have one round of treatments, just the usual plasma exchange. God it took ages yesterday i reacted badly to the plasma found out that it takes out calcium, and that my levels had dropped really quite low, infact on tuesday when out for valentines day lunch with jess i had the urge for a milkshake (i dont normally like them). it must have been my body telling me it needed calcium. The exchange took forever but once it was done it was time for breakout 3........
Breakout 3...
City Of Ashes with Jess
Like i said it was a day of breakouts...
Once the exchange had finished it was time for the ultimate breakout, off to the hydrant London Road for COA's final leg of their headline tour. well on the way there it was decided that a dinner stop was in order.... KFC time yum.... Crispy straps and Popcorn chicken for me and Jess the Kentucky Jack (should be renamed the KenMucky Jack, it goes all over the place) after that on to the Hydrant. The first thing that greeted us was Mike then four flights of stairs!!!! Fuck i thought but it wasnt too bad Jess helped me up. The gig itself was awesome and the band straight away made sure i was ok got me a chair and were just so happy to see me, right now on to the fluid for the evening.... a pint of ice cubes and then a bottle of ginger ale (a 125ml bottle, and shared between 3) thats it, yet the gig turned into an amazing night, until the hospital cock up (no-one had told the night staff that i was breaking out).
Finally on a better note DR Speedy (not real name) has told me that im allowed home for the weekend, yay i get to snuggle Jess on the weekend and maybe even stay in the flat.... actually definately stay in the flat. Well gotta go, dialysis time 4hours great.
The One in a Million Man
the morning breakout took place at about 11.30 after much deliberation and calcium (low calcium levels meant had to have 4 huge tablets) then down to the pier for a battered sausage and 5 donuts :) yummy. Then it was a random drive to hove........ i had to then return to the hospital as i did have one round of treatments, just the usual plasma exchange. God it took ages yesterday i reacted badly to the plasma found out that it takes out calcium, and that my levels had dropped really quite low, infact on tuesday when out for valentines day lunch with jess i had the urge for a milkshake (i dont normally like them). it must have been my body telling me it needed calcium. The exchange took forever but once it was done it was time for breakout 3........
Breakout 3...
City Of Ashes with Jess
Like i said it was a day of breakouts...
Once the exchange had finished it was time for the ultimate breakout, off to the hydrant London Road for COA's final leg of their headline tour. well on the way there it was decided that a dinner stop was in order.... KFC time yum.... Crispy straps and Popcorn chicken for me and Jess the Kentucky Jack (should be renamed the KenMucky Jack, it goes all over the place) after that on to the Hydrant. The first thing that greeted us was Mike then four flights of stairs!!!! Fuck i thought but it wasnt too bad Jess helped me up. The gig itself was awesome and the band straight away made sure i was ok got me a chair and were just so happy to see me, right now on to the fluid for the evening.... a pint of ice cubes and then a bottle of ginger ale (a 125ml bottle, and shared between 3) thats it, yet the gig turned into an amazing night, until the hospital cock up (no-one had told the night staff that i was breaking out).
Finally on a better note DR Speedy (not real name) has told me that im allowed home for the weekend, yay i get to snuggle Jess on the weekend and maybe even stay in the flat.... actually definately stay in the flat. Well gotta go, dialysis time 4hours great.
The One in a Million Man
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The One Hundred Club
well Morning all who are interested in the blog.....
I believe that today at 7.58am i joined an exclusive club......... i am currently waiting for my telegram from the Queen as i reached 100......... Not years but stabs.... I believe i have had around 100 blood samples taken, the 3 to take me to 100 were taking this morning.
Flowers and cards to the usual adress, and er no well wishers as it is a fairly exclusive club!!!!!!!!!!
The One In a Million Man
I believe that today at 7.58am i joined an exclusive club......... i am currently waiting for my telegram from the Queen as i reached 100......... Not years but stabs.... I believe i have had around 100 blood samples taken, the 3 to take me to 100 were taking this morning.
Flowers and cards to the usual adress, and er no well wishers as it is a fairly exclusive club!!!!!!!!!!
The One In a Million Man
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Break Out!!!!!
15th feb..............
is breaking out for the afternoon, shhhhhhhh dont tell the doctors, i might even be able to get a spot of lunch in, and some fresh air, i dont like being cooped inside like a chicken. Oh yeah steve shaved his beard off...... he looks twenty years younger no joke!!!!!!!
well only 44mins to go on the plasma then im busting out.
lets do lunch Jess!!!!
The One In a Million Man
is breaking out for the afternoon, shhhhhhhh dont tell the doctors, i might even be able to get a spot of lunch in, and some fresh air, i dont like being cooped inside like a chicken. Oh yeah steve shaved his beard off...... he looks twenty years younger no joke!!!!!!!
well only 44mins to go on the plasma then im busting out.
lets do lunch Jess!!!!
The One In a Million Man
Sunday, February 13, 2011
its been a while!!! lets go right back
these are some of the notes that have taken since i've been in here....
1st day of treatment we came up with...
tough, pills, sick and Oxygen.
that was the first monday i was in here, boy that day was hard they give a me tablet that they knew would make me sick but they didnt tell me that i had to sit up for half an hour otherwise i would be sick, so i took it lay down and within about 5mins was throwing up like a good un!!!!
Also on this first monday i started my first round of treatments which im still on now, they where Plasma exchange and dialysis. The most amazing thing is that my breathing got bad so i spent most of the day having an oxygen mask to help me breathe, that must have been fucking scary for anyone visiting me that, i didnt like it at all but damn was i struggling for breath without it..... in the end i had to sleep with a mask on..... i did sleep well that night but it wasnt the most comfortable nights sleep, you try sleeping with a mask on.....
last few notes i took down on this first day....
I've turned dad's hair more grey...... he now has become the silver fox.
and finally .......
but other than that an alright day, NOT!
The One In A Million Man
1st day of treatment we came up with...
tough, pills, sick and Oxygen.
that was the first monday i was in here, boy that day was hard they give a me tablet that they knew would make me sick but they didnt tell me that i had to sit up for half an hour otherwise i would be sick, so i took it lay down and within about 5mins was throwing up like a good un!!!!
Also on this first monday i started my first round of treatments which im still on now, they where Plasma exchange and dialysis. The most amazing thing is that my breathing got bad so i spent most of the day having an oxygen mask to help me breathe, that must have been fucking scary for anyone visiting me that, i didnt like it at all but damn was i struggling for breath without it..... in the end i had to sleep with a mask on..... i did sleep well that night but it wasnt the most comfortable nights sleep, you try sleeping with a mask on.....
last few notes i took down on this first day....
I've turned dad's hair more grey...... he now has become the silver fox.
and finally .......
but other than that an alright day, NOT!
The One In A Million Man
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Amusing Prognosis from the doc
after so long in here i thought it would be funny to see how far a doctor could go with the side effects before they got ridiculous......
1. your nose grows to 4 times the size of your face.
2. Your ear hair grows so long that it gets caught in barbed wire fencing.
3. you develop the reflexes of a frog and can catch flies with your tongue.
4. your legs may turn into sausages, but its ok as they are veggie ones that no one likes..... not even ree.
anymore amusing suggestions?????
The one in A Million Man
1. your nose grows to 4 times the size of your face.
2. Your ear hair grows so long that it gets caught in barbed wire fencing.
3. you develop the reflexes of a frog and can catch flies with your tongue.
4. your legs may turn into sausages, but its ok as they are veggie ones that no one likes..... not even ree.
anymore amusing suggestions?????
The one in A Million Man
The one in a million man
well here we go at last.........
day 9 i think..
have been stuck in a hospital in deepest darkest brighton, good be worst but not much as i havent been outside since the 27th jan.
in the past month i have managed to contract a highly rare (1 in a Million) illness called Anti GBM disease also know as, Good Pastures Syndrome. That name proper pisses me off as it sounds like a lovely thing to do with a farm which could be appropriate, when it fact its where my own body's immune system is trying eat the lining of my lungs (which looks to have stopped now) and has also caused my kidneys to fail (havent really had a pee in about 9days now!).
sooooo that is really the start of things so far.................
day 9 i think..
have been stuck in a hospital in deepest darkest brighton, good be worst but not much as i havent been outside since the 27th jan.
in the past month i have managed to contract a highly rare (1 in a Million) illness called Anti GBM disease also know as, Good Pastures Syndrome. That name proper pisses me off as it sounds like a lovely thing to do with a farm which could be appropriate, when it fact its where my own body's immune system is trying eat the lining of my lungs (which looks to have stopped now) and has also caused my kidneys to fail (havent really had a pee in about 9days now!).
sooooo that is really the start of things so far.................
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