
well they do make exceedingly good cakes

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pancake day Dialysis!!

Good day to those who are following!!!! Happy shrove tuesday :).

well back in hospital again!!! but this time not quite so overloaded!! only 4l i think, but we're getting it down slowly. Unfortunately i have found out one annoying thing, the more overloaded i am the more blood i cough, and that is pretty harsh!! so i gotta work hard on the fluid allowance,

Oh yeah with the allowance challenge im being generous on you guys, as i don't even get the luxury of a litre i have to make do with 750ml, according to mum "thats 3 cups of tea" and it roughly is, cup size obviously plays a part.

well once we're done today i think i might attempt to make some pancakes, english and american style! i love pancakes, and then after that i think a nap is in order.

Nice to see more people are following, keep it up

and remember the challenge encompasses all fluid - thats food aswell!!!!

The One in a Million Man

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